Join Our Big Give Campaign!
UPDATE! We achieved our Big Give target with your help and generosity! Thank you!
Read on to hear more about what we’ve been up to…
This June, we are taking part in our first ever Big Give: Champions for Children campaign to raise vital funds to DOUBLE the joy and DOUBLE the creativity for our young writers.
The Big Give is a matched giving scheme which sees all donations doubled during the campaign period, which runs from 6th – 20th June 2023. That means for two weeks you will be able to make one donation and have twice the impact! Sounds like a bit of philanthropic sorcery? Here’s how it works:
£5 doubles to £10 + gift aid donation – think of all the imagination-fuelling breadsticks we could buy!
£10 doubles to £20 + gift aid donation – helping us to provide our young writers with notebooks, stationery and all the things we need to make creative writing, exciting.
£50 doubles to £100 + gift aid donation – which will feed new books and creative catalysts into our library and Book Bot vending machine.
£100 doubles to £200 + gift aid donation and pays for a masterclass by a comic book artist, comedy writer or illustrator.
Interested in helping us to double the joy and double the creativity? Between 6th- 20th please donate via our Big Give campaign page to see all your donations doubled and help us reach our £30,000 campaign target.
Other ways you can help support our campaign:
Tell a friend
Share the campaign with your friends and family and on social media. Spread the word as much as you can, any and all donations made during the campaign dates are doubled.
Host a fundraising event
You can host a bake sale at work, at school or with your neighbours, or turn your dinner party into a fundraiser, and donate the proceeds via our Big Give campaign page.
Could your workplace help?
Many companies support their employees’ fundraising activities by providing match funding. Why not find out if your workplace does this?
Please make sure you share the Big Give Campaign Link, rather than our normal donation page, or the gifts won’t be doubled!